The Scottish Government published a policy statement giving details of plans for the 2011 Census. There would be new questions on language, household income, and national identity.
Source: Scotland's Census 2011: A Government Statement, Scottish Government (0131 556 8400)
Links: Statement | SG press release
Date: 2008-Dec
A report examined life expectancy for administrative areas within Scotland over the period 2005-2007. Overall life expectancy at birth had improved over the previous 10 years from 72.3 years to 74.8 years for men, and from 77.9 years to 79.7 years for women.
Source: Life Expectancy for Administrative Areas within Scotland, 2005-2007, General Register Office for Scotland (0131 314 4243)
Links: Report | GROS press release | BBC report
Date: 2008-Sep
The report of the 2007 Scottish Household Survey was published. Key topics included household composition; housing; neighbourhoods and communities; economic activity; financial inclusion; education; transport; internet and broadband; health and caring; local services; volunteering; and culture and sport.
Source: Scottish Household Survey: Annual Report – Results from 2007, Scottish Government (0131 556 8400)
Links: Report | SG press release
Date: 2008-Aug
A report examined subjective well-being in Scotland, and explored how happy and satisfied people in Scotland were with their lives in general and how satisfied they were with certain domains in particular. Levels of subjective well-being were relatively high. Life satisfaction was significantly lower among unemployed people than those in paid employment. Job satisfaction was lower among those who lived in a household with children than it was for those with none.
Source: Lisa Given and Catriona Webster, Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2007: Core Module – Report 2: Subjective Perceptions of Well Being in Scotland, Scottish Government (web publication only)
Date: 2008-Aug
The estimated population of Scotland was 5,144,200 in mid-2007. This was a rise of 27,300 people on the previous year, taking it to its highest level since 1983.
Source: Mid-2007 Population Estimates Scotland, General Register Office for Scotland (0131 314 4243)
Links: Report | GROS press release | SG press release | BBC report
Date: 2008-Jul
A report gave forward projections of the number of households in Scotland up to 2031, based on the estimated population of Scotland in mid-2006. Between 2006 and 2031, the number of households in Scotland was projected to increase by 19 per cent to 2.7 million.
Source: Household Projections for Scotland: 2006-based, General Register Office for Scotland (0131 314 4243)
Links: Report | GROS press release
Date: 2008-May
A report examined whether it might be possible to develop a practical index of wellbeing indicators that would provide an alternative means of measuring social progress in Scotland.
Source: A Wellbeing Framework for Scotland: A better way of measuring society's progress in the 21st century, Scottish Council Foundation (0131 225 4709) and Forward Scotland
Links: Report
Date: 2008-May
An annual report presented statistical trends on the main areas of government activity in Scotland.
Source: High Level Summary of Statistics: Key Trends for Scotland 2008, Office of the Chief Statistician/Scottish Government (0131 244 3341)
Links: Report
Date: 2008-May
A report said that Scotland's population was expected to increase by about 5 per cent between 2006 and 2031. Population numbers were expected to rise in 15 of the 32 council areas and fall in the other 17 areas.
Source: Population Projections Scotland (2006-based): Population projections by sex, age and administrative area, General Register Office for Scotland (0131 314 4243)
Links: Report | GROS press release | BBC report
Date: 2008-Jan